Regulacija optičnih omrežij

Regulation of fibre networks

Žan Knafelc

POVZETEK - V Sloveniji že več kot polovica gospodinjstev za dostop do interneta uporablja optično omrežje, ki je ključno za nadaljnji razvoj infrastrukturne konkurence. Zaradi vse večje prisotnosti konkurenčnih infrastruktur se predhodna (ex ante) regulacija tako postopoma umika s posameznih upoštevnih trgov in ostaja samo na geografskih območjih, kjer še ni vzpostavljene učinkovite konkurence, ki je pogoj za večjo izbiro, inovacije in nižje cene storitev za končne uporabnike. V prispevku so predstavljeni glavni trendi na trgu in zadnji naloženi korektivnih ukrepi s pogledom v prihodnost.

ABSTRACT - In Slovenia, more than half of all households already use a fibre network to access the internet, which is key to the further development of infrastructure competition. As a result of the growing presence of competing infrastructures, ex ante regulation is thus gradually being withdrawn from individual relevant markets and remains only in geographic areas where effective competition has not yet been established, which is a prerequisite for greater choice, innovation and lower prices for end-users. This paper presents the main trends in the market and the latest corrective measures imposed with a view to the future.