For authorsWe kindly invite authors who like to participate on the Seminar on Optical Communications with the presentation or poster to fill in the application form for authors
no later than until 31 October 2024. The content of the paper or poster must be related to a actual topic in optical communications.
Please fill out the following application form for authors: If your article was accepted you have to send final presentation or poster by 10 January 2025. Authors have free admittion to the Seminar on the day of the lecture. For the other two days of the seminar authors are entitled to 50 % discount on participation fee. Important dates
General information and instructions for authorsPlease prepare your presentation in MS Power Point or similar. Presentation handouts will be published in an electronic form. Presentation has to be submitted not later than 10 January 2025. Until the same date, a short abstract (up to 200 words), short CV and author's photo must be sent to: tomi.mlinar[at]fe.uni-lj.si. Articles are not peer-reviewed. How to prepare a presentation
How to prepare a poster