For authors

The deadline for article submissions has expired. We would like to thank all the authors for their contributions. The programme you can check here.

Authors have free admittion to the Seminar on the day of the lecture. For the other two days of the seminar authors are entitled to 50 % discount on participation fee.

Important dates

  • Submission of title, short abstract of the topic (up to 200 words) and contact info: CLOSED
  • Notification of acceptance: CLOSED
  • Submission of an article/presentation: 15 January 2023

General information and instructions for authors

Please prepare your presentation in MS Power Point or similar. Presentation handouts will be published in an electronic form.

An article in any form must be submitted not later than 15 January 2023. Until the same date, a short abstract (up to 200 words), short CV and author's photo must be sent to: tomi.mlinar[at]

Articles are not peer-reviewed.

How to prepare a presentation

  1. Graphical template for presentation is not prescribed.
  2. Authors can give short introduction of their company (on one slide), but please avoid any kind of commercial advertising.
  3. File for submission should be in MS PowerPoint or PDF format.

How to prepare a poster

  1. Poster should be in A0 (864 x 1118 mm) size, portrait position.
  2. Graphical template for the poster is not prescribed.
  3. File for submission should be in PDF format, including all fonts.
  4. Font size should be large enough for printing in A4 format (for e-proceedings).
  5. Poster in A0 format should be printed by author him/herself.