Optična omrežja v Sloveniji

Fibre networks in Slovenia

Žan Knafelc

POVZETEK - Trg elektronskih komunikacij je bil liberaliziran že pred približno dvema desetletjema z namenom znižanja vstopnih ovir za konkurenčne ponudnike storitev, kar je prineslo pozitivne učinke za trg v smislu uvajanja sodobnih tehnologij, nižjih cen storitev in večje izbire za končne uporabnike. V prispevku je v kontekstu regulacije predstavljen tehnološki napredek na trgu in stanje optične infrastrukture v Sloveniji s pogledom v prihodnost.

ABSTRACT - The electronic communications market was liberalized about two decades ago with the aim of reducing barriers to entry for competing service providers, which had positive effects on the market in terms of new technology deployments, lower prices for service and greater choices for end-users. In the context of regulation, the article presents technological progress on the market and the state of optical infrastructure in Slovenia with a view to the future.