Nadgradnja P2P FTTH in GPON dostopovnih omrežij v PON omrežja naslednje generacije

Upgrade of P2P FTTH and GPON access networks to next-generation PON networks

Gorazd Penko

POVZETEK - V prispevku so predstavljeni razlogi za prehod podjetja T-2 iz iz koncepta arhitekture omrežja P2P FTTH (točka-točka FTTH) v P2MP FTTH (točka-več točk FTTH). Podana je standardizacija tehnologij xPON z osnovnimi principi delovanja in pripadajočo arhitekturo, ki temelji na referenčnem modelu ITU-T. Nadalje je opisan pristop k načrtovanju omrežja PON s pripadajočimi simulacijami in izračuni ter osnovne tehnične karakteristike in funkcije gradnikov omrežij tipa PON, kot so: OLT, ONU, razdelilnik, različni tipi modulov PON SFP, itd. V prispevku so predstavljene tehnične možnosti nadgradnje obstoječega omrežja GPON s tehnologijo XGS-PON in možnosti, ki jih ponuja tehnologija NG-PON2. Opisan je tudi koncept podatkovnega statističnega multipleksa v dostopovnem omrežju. V zaključku je opisan koncept uvajanja tehnologije XGS-PON »Pay as you grow«.

ABSTRACT - In this presentation the reasons for T-2's transition from the point-to-point (P2P) to point-tomultipoint (P2MP) FTTH concept are presented. The standardization of xPON technologies with the basic principles of operation and the associated architecture based on the ITU-T reference model are described. An approach to network planning with associated simulations and calculations is also given. The basic building blocks of xPON networks such as OLT, ONU, splitter, CEx (coexistence element), different types of SFP modules and their basic technical characteristics are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of P2MP compared to P2P FTTH are set forth. In the continuation of the paper the technical possibilities of upgrading the existing GPON technology with XGS-PON or NG-PON2 are presented. NG-PON2 offers the technical possibility of a multioperator environment on the same FTTH physical infrastructure. The paper concludes with the optical part of the lecture, the concept of introducing the XGS-PON »Pay as you grow« technology.