Next Generation Fiber Sensing, Theory and Applications

Eran Inbar
Prisma Photonic, Israel

ABSTRACT - Physical infrastructure (pipelines, powerlines, highways, railways, optical-networks, borders, perimeters & more) is a huge market with a strong need for monitoring and control solutions. Fiber-optic sensing (using very long fibers as sensors) has been around for more than a decade and is probably the most cost effective, robust and reliable approach for long infrastructure monitoring (as opposed to thousands of discrete sensors). However, 3 major problems prevent it from being a widely spread solution: high false alarm rate, poor target classification and very limited ability to use already installed optical communication fiber cables as sensors.
Prisma-Photonics’ Hyper-Scan Fiber-Sensing is a breakthrough patented technology enabling ultra-sensitive detection and intelligent machine learning classification which revolutionize the Fiberoptic Sensing market by increasing dramatically the detection sensitivity and solving the 3 major problems mentioned. In this presentation, we will describe fiber sensing technology, next generation fiber sensing (i.e. Hyper-Scan) and show concrete applications of usage of this technology in the different market segments mentioned above.