Strukture metamaterialov za višjo stopnjo integracije v fotonskih integriranih vezjih

Metamaterial structures for a higher degree of integration in photonic integrated circuits

Andraž Debevc, Janez Krč, Marko Topič
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko

POVZETEK - Periodični metamaterial, ki sestoji iz izmenjujočih se plasti zraka in silicija ima potencial, da zniža presluh med integriranimi silicijevimi valovodi, če ga uporabimo kot stransko oblogo valovodov. To nam omogoča, da valovode postavimo bližje drug drugemu in s tem povečamo stopnjo integracije. V prispevku bodo predstavljene numerične simulacije in optimizacija valovodov z metamateriali. Predstavljeno bo tudi načrtano testno fotonsko integrirano vezje iz amorfnega silicija, ki vključuje valovode z metamateriali in je trenutno v izdelavi.

ABSTRACT - A metamaterial consisting of periodically exchanging layers of air and silicon has the potential to reduce the cross-talk between silicon waveguides when used as the side cladding. This enables us to put waveguides closer together on the chip and in turn increase the integration density. Numerical simulations and optimization of waveguides with metamaterial cladding will be presented in this contribution. We will also present the design of a test photonic integrated circuit that is curently being fabricated. The chip will be made on amorphous sillicon and will include waveguides with metamaterial cladding.